Genuine Nature Experiences on winter hiking paths in Hohe Tauern National Park

30 km of winter hiking paths in Rauris Valley are cleared for your enjoyment during the winter months. Out on winter hiking paths that wend their way through the entire valley – from Rauris to Kolm Saigurn valley head – you also might very well run across the tracks of wild animals. But whatever the case, you are certain to enjoy the tranquility, fresh mountain air and imposing winter landscapes here in SalzburgerLand!

Winter hiking map of Rauris Valley Timetable Valley Bus
Status Name Type
Open Nr. 51, Rundgang Rauris Hiking trail
Open Nr. 52, Zöllnerweg Hiking trail
Open Nr. 53, Gaisbachtal Hiking trail
Open Nr. 54, Rauris - Wörth Hiking trail
Open Nr. 56, Rindsleitbauer - Hochberg Hiking trail
Open Nr. 57, Seidlwinkltal Hiking trail
Open Nr. 58, Forsterbachtal Hiking trail
Open Nr. 59, Fröstlberg Hiking trail
Open Nr. 60, Bucheben - Rundweg Hiking trail
Open Nr. 63, Bucheben - Lechnerhäusl
    • Auf Grund der Lawinensperre ab Judenhofalm bis zum Alpengasthof Bodenhaus, endet der Winterwanderweg Nr. 63 beim Almgasthaus Lechnerhäusl. Die Zufahrt zum Almgasthaus Lechnerhäusl ist geöffnet.


Hiking trail
Open Nr. 64, Kolm Saigurn Hiking trail
Closed Nr. 66, Winterwanderweg Hochalm

Die Tour startet bei der Heimalm, ca. 200m bergauf entlang der Piste, danach werden die Piste und der Doppelschlepplift überquert. Ab jetzt geht die Tour großteils im Wald bis zum Speicherteich/Hochalm. Die Tour ist auch umgekehrt von der Hochalm zur Heimalm möglich. 

Hiking trail
Closed Nr. 65, Schneeschuh Trail Kolm Saigurn Hiking trail

Do you love to enjoy nature in its purest form and in complete tranquility? Do you sense how much good it does you when you exercise in the fresh air? If so, then maybe our guided snowshoe hikes in Rauris Valley are something that will appeal to you!

Learn more about snowshoe hikes